On 11 and 18 September 2023, two great events took place. First, the Kingsman 2023 personal discipleship course conducted at Doxa Deo Kameeldrift finished, and an informal event was held where the 2023 group handed over to the 2024 group. The event saw the guys getting their fill with great hands-on food – boerewors and breadrolls, with extras on the side. This was a great example of how to have a wonderful event without going overboard with the food.

Let's look at some photos of the first event

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023

The second event, on 18 September, was the formal function held for the 2023 course where the men who attended brought along their wives / partners, and we had a blessed time. On arrival, the scene was already set, with the tables beautifully laid and decorated. The food that followed was plentiful and planned in detail.

Here are some photos of the second event

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023

Kingsman 2023